
What is VeinGogh

VeinGogh is a special radiofrequency procedure that treats spider veins through a very fine needle. A micro needle is inserted just underneath the skin to deliver bursts of radiorequency energy to the offending telangiectasias, which instantaneously heats up and collapses the veins.

VeinGogh Procedure Diagram

How effective is VeinGogh?

Because VeinGogh uses highly precise radiofrequency  to treat the spider veins, its effect is typically immediate. This distinguishes it from more traditional Sclerotherapy, which is a chemical process that may take a few weeks to see maximum results. With that said, both VeinGogh and sclerotherapy may take several sessions to achieve the desired results, depending on how extensive your spider veins are.

Who is VeinGogh for?

VeinGogh is for patients with spider veins who having their underlying venous conditions treated and with cosmetic spider vein concerns.

Is VeinGogh procedure painful?

Just like most of our vein procedures, a needle is utilized to deliver treatment and certain amount of discomfort can be expected. However, because the small needle size and controlled laser delivery, VeinGogh is very well tolerated by patients.

Does VeinGogh require anesthesia?

No anesthesia is used during VeinGogh procedure.

What is the recovery process like after VeinGogh?

Due to the minimally invasive nature of the procedure, recovery time is essentially none. You are able to ambulate right after the procedure. The treatment area may be a little swollen and red but is expected to recover within a week.

What is the follow up after VeinGogh?

We typically follow up with the patient 2 to 4 weeks after the procedure and determine if more sessions are indicated.