Spider Veins

What are Spider Veins?

Spider veins, or telangiectasias, are tiny unsightly blood vessels on your skin. Although they can have various appearances, they are typically purple to orange in color. They are mostly flat on the skin, as opposed to varicose veins, which are more raised in texture.

What are the Symptoms of Spider Veins?

Spider veins can cause a number of symptoms, including itching, pain, fatigue, and swelling. Typically above symptoms are signs of deeper problems such as chronic venous insufficiency. In the absence of above symptoms, spider veins may be cosmetically unappealing. Patient often requests spider vein removal due to their appearance.

How to Diagnose Spider Veins?

Although spider veins are relatively easy to identify by the eye, your physician may choose to perform Venous Ultrasound Exam to identify deeper concerns that may contribute to spider vein development.

How are Spider Veins Treated?

Fortunately, there are multiple treatment options for spider veins. Depending on the diagnosis made with venous ultrasound, spider vein treatments may be pinpointed to the surface veins for cosmetic results, or be directed to deeper sources of cause.

For pure cosmetic treatment of spider veins, our office utilizes Sclerotherapy and VeinGogh to help eliminate these veins. For other more in-depth treatment options, please visit our treatment options page for more information.