
Sclerotherapy is an injection-based treatment for spider veins (telangiectasias), reticular veins, and varicose veins. Its intend is to reduce or eliminate the appearance of these unsightly veins. Sclerotherapy may be offered once any larger underlying vein reflux problems have been corrected, such as using one or our modern venous ablation techniques. We encourage patients to get comprehensive reflux venous ultrasound study before they settle for sclerotherapy as the sole procedure to reduce the risk of recurrence. If the ultrasound study reveals other deeper vein pathology, your vascular surgeon will likely recommend treatment for that first before sclerotherapy.


How does sclerotherapy work?

During sclerotherapy treatment, the physician or advanced practice provider injects a sclerosant medication directly into the spider or varicose veins using a small needle to artificially clot them off. The sclerosant medication typically used is called polidocanol (brand name Asclera). It is a FDA-approved medication that intentionally irritate and damage the inside linings of the target veins, causing them to clot. Once clotted, the body gradually turns the veins into scar and reabsorb them, thus reducing or eliminating their visibility. In certain circumstances, your providers may also choose to mix the sclerosant with air to create a foam to help better treat the veins.

The image above shows typical procedure of sclerotherapy with a fine needle and small amount of sclerosant

What is the recovery like for sclerotherapy?

Immediately after sclerotherapy, you will be able to walk out of our clinic without any precautions. We do recommend using compression stocking after the procedure to maximize the effect. Things to avoid for 2 weeks after sclerotherapy:

  1. Soaking, swimming, or bathing. Regular shower is ok
  2. Direct sunlight exposure, including tanning beds
  3. Strenuous exercise such as running or lifting. Walking and light activity are ok and encouraged

Wearing compression stocking after sclerotherapy has shown to improve appearance and results after the procedure.