Do Varicose Veins Run in the Family?

Varicose veins in family

Varicose veins tend to run in families. If both of your parents have varicose vein disease, your chances of developing symptoms are very high.

Dangers of Varicose Veins

Are varicose veins dangerous? Varicose veins are extremely common and typically do not pose an immediate danger to your health… despite what other internet sources may make you believe. However, there are some complications of varicose veins that  Approximately 20-30% of Americans have varicose vein conditions. Both men and women can develop them over their […]

Deep Vein Thrombosis – What is it and how to treat

Quick Summary Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a serious vascular condition that affects thousands of Americans every year. It is caused by blood clots in the veins deep in the legs. Typical symptoms include leg pain and leg swelling. These blood clots may also break off into your lungs, causing shortness of breath and even […]